KYC as a Process - Adding Value by Gaining Knowledge
Here's how you can expect the event to unfold:
18:00 - 18:30 - Networking and mingling over drinks and nibbles
18:30 -18:40 - Opening remarks
18:40 - 18:55 - Keynote Speech by Ori Modai, Director of Engineering, Meta Financial Technologies at Meta (Facebook)
18:55 - 19:10 - Fireside Chat with Nir Netzer, Chariman of the Israeli FinTech Association hosting Avigdor Avni, Head of Ubank,FIBI’s Platinum Private Banking Centers
19:10 - 19:20 - FinTech Pitch by Ofer Friedman, Chief Business Development Officer at Au10Tix
19:20 - 19:30 - FinTech Pitch by Doron Hendler, CEO and Co Founder at RevealSecurity
19:30 - Networking Session over drinks and refreshments
Special Benefits to FinTech-Aviv Community Members:
Equitech Finance offers FinTech-Aviv community members 15% discount on Accounting, Financial Controlling and External CFO services
Deloitte Catalyst offers Fintech Aviv community members 10% discount on our line of services to startups: Audit, tax, strategic storytelling, and more.
Refinitiv offers the FinTech-Aviv community two months free access to its world-leading financial workspace, real time & historical data, news, analytics, and more
Shibolet is offering FinTech-Aviv members free contracts and legal documents generator
UbankTech offers Special benefits to FinTech-Aviv's community members for opening a corporate bank